"Lead me to the truth...I will follow you with my whole life."
Mumford and Sons. Great music. Soothing. What I call "easy-breezy" music. I love them. But that's not what this post is about. This lyric popped into my head the other day as I contemplated starting a blog again. While "White Blank Page" is another typical love song, this particular lyric stood out to me for such a different reason. And again, as I sat here staring at this blank screen in front of me, wondering why exactly I had felt the need to blog again, wondering what exactly I could even write about and everything that a first post should be- that introduction to me, the summaration of the entire narrative of what this blog is to become. Again, I thought of this particular lyric.

We so often refer to life as a book that's still being written and to "chapters" of life being opened and closed. I have written, gone back to erase furiously edit, and eventually closed quite a few chapters in this short book of life I have compiled. But none so much as the last couple years of my life. I feel I've come to this place of being nothing but a white blank page. Waiting for the next part of my story to be laid before me. No longer awaiting my approval as the author. Because for the first time in a long time, maybe really the first time ever if I'm honest, I don't want to fight for the pen. I want to simply be the white blank page that God, the True Author, can write His story upon. Only He can lead to the truth, and I want to follow Him with my whole life. It's taken a few tear-stained pages, a whole lot of crumbled up pages tossed in the trash, and for awhile it seemed like a completely different book all together, never to find its way back. But, finally, here is where my story has come. A chapter closed and a brand new chapter waiting to begin. I'm sure there will be times that I want to steal that pen back from God but hopefully I can stop at scribbling notes in the margins instead. So this is me. A blank page. Ready and willing for My Author to let His story unfold.
Good start.