"I wanna live like there's no tomorrow. Love like I'm on borrowed time. It's good to be alive."
I heard this song on the way home from work today and it's been stuck on repeat in my head ever since. And the more that I sang it- as I cooked dinner, as I cleaned up, as I showered (all much to my husband's delight I'm sure)- the more I realized just how true those words are. Or how true they should be.
How many things do you have on your bucket list? There are so many things I want to do in my lifetime, but it's so easy to think "I have my whole life to do it". Days, weeks, years go by. Time is wasted. From a different prospective, we aren't guaranteed tomorrow. If today was our last day, what could we say we achieved? What are we leaving behind?
Every opportunity, to work, to love, to witness, to LIVE, has to be taken! There will always be a reason not to, better timing, etc. If you wait for the perfect conditions nothing will ever be done! Life is a blessing. I'm going to challenge myself, and you, to live like it.
Challenge accepted!