

Tonight I got to have a few of my nephews (1 age 10, and 2 age 4) and my niece (age 12) over, as well as my younger sister-in-law (age 15). It is almost ridiculous how excited I was all week for this night to come! I had a great night of Mcdonalds, Hotel Transylvania 3D, and "make your own shakes" planned! Quite a few people asked "why?" and quite a few people "prepared" me for a crazy night. Well, the "why?"...I love them. I don't get to spend nearly enough time with my nieces and nephews as I would like and it's sad to see how big they've gotten. Life gets so crazy but its nice to stop and remember that time passes so quickly and before you know it, it's over. Just seeing them weekly, or even every day, isnt the same thing as spending quality time with them and making memories. As far as a crazy, wanna-pull-my-hair-out kinda night? Suprising as it may be-not at all! Tonight has been so fun! Yes, I am 25 years old, my Friday night consisted of hanging out with a bunch of kids, and I had more fun then I've had in awhile. And?

After a not-so-great start (I switched cars with my sister, who owns a mini-van, but failed to take my apartment key off my keyring, so I was locked out with 5 kids and had to get my office management to let me in), we hung out watching netflix until the husband got home. During that time, my adorable maltipoo baby, Oliver, and my precious 4 year old nephew, Charlee, fell in love. It was love at first sight and Charlee spent the entire time chasing him around. While Oliver spent the entire time way too excited and testing my hesitation to having to explain why he kept "dancing" with Charlee (we've really got to get that dog fixed). Once the hubs got home, it was off to Mcdonalds. To which, both 4 year old nephews declared their undying devotion and that they would proudly live there forever in the playplace (they would even sweep it). It amazes me that Mcdonalds still holds that kind of awesome magnetism to children after all these years. So simple. If only adulthood worked that way. What a place the world would be.

Once we pried the kids from the Heaven of tunnels and slides that is "The Playplace", we went to see Hotel Transylvania in 3D. Very cute. It had the kid's attention the whole time (I was anticipating having to sit in between the younger boys when they grew restless and started talking) and even kept me, the "adult", laughing.
 my phone takes awful pics.
 and has a very bright flash.

After the movie we headed home and being the cool aunt that I am, we blended our own milkshakes. Each one got to pick his/her own candy to blend up into a shake. That was a big success! Especially pushing the blend button (for the smaller two)! After more cuddling and eating shakes while watching netflix, I am laying in bed, with a living room full of kids, and blogging about what a great night it has been. A couple years ago I would have laughed at the thought of this being a Friday night. Amazing how much life can change in such a short time. Wouldn't change it for a thing.

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