

I recently downloaded this Bible app (YouVersion) that has these built in reading plans that you can choose from. Plans include reading the whole bible in a year to various topical studies ranging from a few days to a few months.

I started a "She Reads Truth" ("an online movement of women committed to daily reading and being changed by God's Word" is how their series of plans are described) 11 day study of Philippians. Today was my last day and the devotional that stood out the most to me. It covered Philippians 4:10-23, which includes one of my favorite bible verses:

"I can do all this through Him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13 NIV

(thinking about it now, this translation actually makes you want to read what came before this verse with the use of "all this", whereas growing up I only knew the KJV which states "all things". Makes a difference. What comes before the verse is very important and puts the devotional part into even more perspective for me.) I encourage you to go read the passage in it's entirety if you haven't already.

We all know this verse very well. We use the KJV phrasing "I can do ALL THINGS through Christ which strengtheneth me" to motivate ourselves through some unpleasant chore or as we study for that test we think we will never pass. And while, God can and will help us through all the trying times in our life, this verse means so much more.

Philippians is a book written by Paul while he is in prison. Yet he was content in the Lord and was writing to encourage THEM! How many of us complain to anyone who will listen at the slightest trial we face? I don't say that to say that talking to people through hard times is wrong. We all get discouraged and need prayer and encouragement at many times throughout our lives. But we need to ask ourselves if we are letting Satan rob us of our joy? Are we letting trials and tribulations weigh us down and distract us from the things of God rather than bring us closer to Him and strengthen our belief that He is stronger than any battle? God wants us to praise Him in ALL things. This is what Paul was writing about. He was rejoicing in his life in Christ and was encouraging the church to do the same!

I am going to end this with a passage from the devotional I read tonight (over Philippians 4:10-23) that stood out to me the most and maybe it will give you a different perspective about Philippians 4:13 too.


"I can do all things through Him that strengthens me. Lord, help us not to cheapen this passage by casually muttering it before quickly muttering something that you may or may not have called us to. When we really see it, in context, in light of Paul's life- it means so much more. It CAN mean so much more to us.

Paul is talking about need and abundance. He can take hunger or plenty when the Lord is the One strengthening him. And we can walk in the same way. And that truly means so much more to me than knowing I could run a mile in under ten minutes or achieve all my personal financial goals.

We serve a God who doesn't just save us from our sin, doesn't just redeem our life from the pit, He also says- Hey, whatever life situation I hand you for the sake of my glory: if it's plenty, if it seems like not enough, if it's easy or rough- I'm going to give you the strength to get through it. Because I love you and because that's the best way for it to happen and you can trust Me.

Woosh. That's good stuff.

You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you."




Today is the first day of a brand new year. 2013.

Crazy how the years just keep flying by. 2012 was an awesome year for me. My husband and I got to have a wedding (on our 1st year anniversary) and finally share that moment with our family and friends. And we got to take our very first trip together- our honeymoon! We were blessed to get the opportunity to go somewhere we've both always wanted to go- Disney World and Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida! 2012 also brought new jobs for the both of us and blessed us in more ways then we could have imagined. Although it was a great year, I am only more excited to see what 2013 may bring.

I have seen so any complaining or making fun of the timeless tradition of making new year resolutions. While I am not someone who necessarily makes resolutions, what is wrong with that? Yes, you might fail by February.and yes, it's good to make changes and goals at all time and just not on a predetermined date. But it's the way a brand new journal makes you want a new pen to write in it, a new house may be a good time to change your style, or how when you get that new unscratched phone, you promise yourself that this time you wont ever throw it in your bag or in the same pocket with your keys. New things make us think we can change. So I say, a new year is a fantastic time to make new goals and changes for the better.
My goals are simple (well easier said then done, I guess) this year: drink more water and less soda, make healthier choices, make more time for God, friends and family, and follow God's direction in my life as I continue seeking Him in all things for myself and my family.

2013 will bring great things.