em·pa·thy [em-puh-thee]
the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another.
I am a very empathetic person. This can be a good thing but it can also be a bit ridiculous sometimes. For example: I do not like to watch any of those "talent" shows because people always boo them on the stage and it makes me sad for them; every time I pass someone holding a sign, begging on the street corner, I cry; etc.In all of these situations, I instantly put myself there. How humiliating to be booed off stage. How desperate, embarrassing, and completely humbling it would have to be to resort to standing on the street corner. Especially with all the presumptions people have about that.
I have been told several times how stupid I am for feeling that way. "All they are doing is getting drugs or alcohol". "It's their own fault they are in that situation". yada yada yada. And while all that may be true, it may not be. And if I am doing something with a right heart, does it matter?
With that being said, last night as me and the husband headed to his grandparents house, there was a man holding a sign that said "travlin',broke,and hungry" at the street corner close to where we were going to pick up some food. We decided to get him a burger and fries. We had been blessed with a little extra money and a friend had blessed us by buying our dinner last weekend. The least we could do was pay it forward right? It is ridiculous how happy and excited it made me at the idea of handing him his food. Sadly, we waited for 15 minutes in the drive thru and by the time we got back to the corner he was no longer there. I drove around the area for about 10 minutes looking for him. I didn't find him. It was so disappointing.
So maybe this empathy is a little ridiculous sometimes, maybe it does affect me too much, but isn't it fundamentally a good thing? Should we not consider people's feelings? Maybe if we could all put ourselves in someone else's shoes for even just a minute the world would be a better place. People would treat each other differently. The news would be full of more good stories then bad, with less crime and more of people helping one another.
Or, then again, maybe we'd all just walk around crying a lot more.