Meet the Teacher Friday night was awesome. I am getting a few boys who were in my very first class I taught in Kindergarten which is always fun. And the rest of my boys and parents seemed just as excited as me about this school year. Awesome parents are always the biggest blessing for a teacher and it looks like I got a class full! I also have a class of BOYS this year! As in, literally ZERO girls! Which made me even more excited to introduce my new theme this year....
My classroom got a SUPERHERO makeover! I have been excited since the end of last school year about this. Superheroes is what I would have originally done when I began teaching 3 years ago, but since I found out pretty last minute, I had to go with what I could easily find at the teacher store (though I will miss all my pretty owls I've been given over the years, all packed up safe and sound for future use).
Since the summer moved way faster and ended up being way busier than anticipated, I didn't get to make some of the stuff I wanted to and wasn't sure how it was all going to turn out. But I'm pretty happy with it! Scratch that...I kinda LOVE it!
People always say how important it is to wake up and start your day with God, but I have always argued that my time was better spent at night when I am more awake and alert, since I am after all, NOT a morning person. Admittedly though, I have found it hard the last few months to stay faithful to bible study, with life getting so crazy that when I am finally done for the night I just want me time. Selfish I know. That has to change. I have to change it. Obviously, since I am NOT... (say it with me) a morning person, nothing is ever planned for the morning times except sleeping. And on occasion, more sleep. So there is no excuse, nothing "more important" (I know nothing is actually more important than God's word) to do, nothing to distract me, and hopefully no snooze button to be hit.
The boys seemed pretty excited about it so that's really what it's all about. I love when my kids are excited about their class and about coming to school. So this brings me to the next point...
Anyone who knows me well knows that I am NOT a morning person. Like in any sense. At all. My summer schedule pretty much consists of going to bed around 2-4am and waking up around 10-11am. That is my natural sleep cycle. Natural in the sense that that is just what it is when there is no reason for me to regulate it, i.e. work. (*making myself go to bed at a decent hour tonight is going to be interesting*) And when I am working, and therefore do have to mold myself to "normal" standards, I have always been one to set my alarm for the very last possible second I need to get up. Wake up, get ready, go to work. No extras. No time for surprises. WELL....not this year!
I have a New (school) Year's Resolution...
This year I am not going to take advantage of the fact that I now live about 3 minutes away from my job. I am not going to take advantage of the fact that I no longer need to leave earlier to pick my niece up for school. I am not going to take advantage of that extra 30 minutes or so and set my alarm accordingly. No, this year I am going to become a (semi) morning person! I am going to use that extra time to have a cup of coffee, sit at my kitchen table in front of my new pretty bay windows, and I'm going to spend time with God doing my bible study. That is my goal.
I am actually pretty excited about having the time for my coffee and to get into this new study over the book of John that we just began in our LifeGroup.
The journey to becoming a morning person (or at least a semi one) starts tomorrow!
Wishing you a great first day back! Enjoy your time in the morning drinking coffee and spending time with God. Love you, sister!
ReplyDeleteThanks sister. Love you too!