

I'm back with part 2 of all the bags I've prepped as we await the arrival of little miss Thea Kay. **I can't believe she'll be here in a month!!** The next bag is the hospital bag! Let's get right into it...
This is the bag I used. This is actually a "mystery bag" I received with a recent ThirtyOne order. It ended up being perfect! And who doesn't love some polka dots??
First of all is all the stuff for this new momma. 1) Nursing bras. I packed a regular under wire one and 2 sleeping ones. 2) I've been wanting a robe for years- specifically a mid-length, light fabric robe for wearing around the house- and I figured what would be a better time than now?? With all the middle of the night feedings coming my way, I know I'll want something easy to slip on. 3) Going home clothes. I'm fully prepared for the "still looking pregnant" part of the post baby body, so I went with a loose maxi dress and light cardigan. I also packed a tank top and shorts for sleeping in at the hospital in case I get tired of the gown. I skipped bringing the big granny panties everyone says to bring cause I hear the mesh ones the hospital gives are good. 4) Comfy slippers and flip flops. My feet actually aren't fitting in these slippers anymore so I may get a new pair.
We can't forget about Dad! My hubby plans on staying overnight with me and baby at the hospital, so we packed a couple change of clothes and undies. I also included $15 worth of change for the vending machine.
I packed some travel size toiletries for both me and Chris. The little pink bag has a headband and ponytail holders. And of course, gotta have my EOS chap stick. I also packed a charger for our phones and Thea's going home outfit (which is remaining a secret until we get her first picture in it). I'll be taking Thea's diaper bag (to see what I packed in that click here) too so that's all for baby in this bag.
Everything fits so nice and neat into this one bag. I'm feeling much better knowing this bag is ready to go. Thea has been measuring a little big so I'm trying to mentally prepare that she could be here any time now! 

Hospital Bag Done

Any thing any of you experienced moms would suggest that I didn't pack? Did I pack too much? 

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