Sunday is weigh in day. Proud to say, I am down another 2.2 pounds this week, bringing my total loss to 13 pounds, since starting Paleo a month and a half ago. Chris is down 14 pounds! It's just the start and I can't wait to see how much more successful we will be as we continue this lifestyle.
I've had a lot of people asking me about Paleo and exactly what it entails. I am obviously not an expert or any sort of nutritionist to explain the science behind it. I am just a beginner and can only share my experience with it thus far. As well as the research I did before I decided it was for me. I gave a very brief summary of it before and how I connect to it. I found a couple infographics that simplify and describe it pretty well for anyone who is interested in knowing more. Y'all know how I like visual learning. =)
Today is the day we also officially became and were introduced as new members of Eagle's view Church in Saginaw. God led us here almost 3 months ago and we already feel so much a part of the family. We have made so many connections and met so many great people. We feel so blessed to have found such an amazing church home and look forward to what God has in store for the future of EVC.
months. I have learned so much about what the Bible says our identity is Christ is versus what the world may say that you are. If you click on the logo above, it will take you to our website and their is an option under media to listen to the current sermon series. I encourage you to check it out.
Our Wednesday night LifeGroup has been doing a series called "The Reason for God" which is basically a pastor talking with a group of atheists, non-believers, etc as they present their questions/concerns with the Word of God. Not necessarily for the purpose of how to witness to them, but instead it really makes you dig into the Word to understand what you believe and why you believe it. Instead of just taking everything at someone else's word. We also just joined a new Sunday night LifeGroup where we are beginning "The Explicit Gospel". All in all, very excited for the things I have been learning and what I will continue learning.
Lastly, as you may have noticed, I changed the bloggy-blog up again. I think I'm finally satisfied and will be keeping it. For a bit. Let me know what y'all think.
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