5:30 Mommy and Daddy wake up
5:30-5:50 Mommy and Daddy get ready
5:50-6:00 Mommy finishes getting ready, makes oatmeal, gets set up to nurse
Daddy wakes Thea, changes her and dresses her for the day
6:00 Mommy nurses Thea *pumps 20 min simultaneously
Daddy leaves
6:40-6:45 Mommy loads up bags and Thea and leaves
And some where in there is preparing Thea's bottles for the day and my pumping stuff for work. I lay out mine and Thea's clothes the night before and we make sure lunches are made and the diaper bag is restocked at night too. So it's really been pretty great and smooth flowing.
Today, our morning looked a little more like this:
5:30 Mommy and Daddy wake up
5:30-5:50 Mommy and Daddy get ready
5:50-6:00 Mommy finishes getting ready, makes oatmeal, gets set up to nurse
Daddy wakes Thea, changes her and dresses her for the day
6:00 Mommy's boobs leak on her shirt, Mommy takes shirt off
6:05 Mommy nurses Thea
Daddy has upset stomach and goes into bathroom
6:10-6:15 Thea has a series of back to back poopy farts while nursing
Mommy realizes Thea is beginning to leak out of her diaper onto nursing pillow
and grabs her leg to keep her from moving and letting it out
Mommy (who has a pump attached on one side and baby on the other) calls
out to Daddy (who is still in the bathroom) so he can grab her before it gets
on everything
6:15 Mommy unattaches and gets Thea up only to discover holding her leg still was
pointless because she already leaked out the other side onto the pillow and
Mommy gets Thea to changing table and begins undresses her
Daddy finally emerges from the bathroom and is running late for work
Daddy leaves
6:20 Mommy starts to finish nursing Thea again....
Thea poops again
Mommy changes Thea
6:25 Mommy tries to finish nursing Thea
Thea doesn't want to anymore
Mommy still has to pump 20 minutes
6:45-6:50 Mommy gets Thea's bottles ready (milk is still slushy and not as easy to pour)
and pump bag ready for work
Mommy still has to go find a new shirt to wear for work
6:50-6:55 Mommy loads up bags and Thea and leaves (with a while bowl of untouched
oatmeal on the counter and no coffee)
And somewhere in there was a not-so-nice attitude with my husband, frantic running around, and a few tears of frustration. In favor of being completely transparent, I also need to add that my husband got really frustrated (with the aforementioned bad attitude I was giving him) and walked out of the door for work, only to walk right back in and apologize cause he didn't want us to leave angry (something he knows is really important to me. He's really pretty great!). I, however, was not quite done being frustrated and said nothing. I'm a jerk.
I HATE being late. All week I've been basically begging my sister (who I'm meeting half way in the mornings for a kid swap) to make sure she is there by 7. And OF COURSE the FIRST day I actually have to meet her....I'm running late. So by the time I hit my driver's seat, I can basically just laugh at the way the morning has gone. It can only go up from here right? But the guilt and conviction also start to sink in as I reversed out of my drive way. What kind of example did I just set for my daughter? Yes, I know that she isn't old enough to remember this (though I fully believe babies do pick up on the emotion around them and try to always be aware of letting myself get so overwhelmed that it rubs off on her) but if I'm not controlling myself now, how am I going to when she is old enough? Do I want to set an example that a bad attitude and ugly words are okay when things aren't going the way you want them? Do I want her to be unforgiving when someone is apologetic? So I began asking God to give me a better attitude. After all, nothing that happened this morning was even bad. I was just so worked up over running late (again...full transparency..I might also add that I wasn't actually late for when I HAVE to be at work, I just like getting there at a certain time to feel more prepared...so I was late by MY standards). I started thinking about how blessed I am and how thankful I am for the time I get with Thea in the mornings. I thought about the people who don't get that opportunity and how even the craziest mornings don't cast even the slightest of shadows over the overwhelming love I have for her. Attitude completely changed! And then God gave me even more....He gave me a beautiful lake sunrise view to enjoy during my new morning route. All I could do was smile.
Thankful for a forgiving God who gives even more than we ask and sends me heart sweet reminders. Thankful for the mornings (and days and nights) He has given me with Thea. Even the crazy off-plan ones that teach this momma a lesson or two. I'm sure there will be plenty more. And yes, I did apologize to my sweet husband.