Such a tiny little being completely changes your life and the way you view everything. I can't watch tv or read the news the same way anymore. Anything involving children instantly makes me think about if it was MY child and brings me to tears. Everything you THINK you will or will not do BEFORE your baby is here is completely up for debate after. "I won't hold my baby all the time and spoil them" really translates to dropping whatever you are doing and running to your baby the moment they start screaming. "They'll sleep in their own bed right away" translates to pulling the bassinet as close to your bed as possible and not even being able to imagine a time in the near future that you can move your baby to their own room.
Your body no longer feels like your own. The very first time I saw myself in the mirror at the hospital after giving birth, I had to do a double take in shock when I realized I didn't have a baby belly anymore. I hadn't really considered that it wouldn't be there. I attributed that initial shock to the fact to the disassociation I felt described in Thea's birth story. But I've learned that the feeling doesn't really go away. Not going to lie, there have been days I've really missed the belly. I loved being pregnant. I was really comfortable in my body during pregnancy. There was something womanly and beautiful feeling about knowing my body was doing exactly what God had created it to do. That my body could grow and nurture life. After giving birth, I expected that my body wouldn't immediately look the same. I was prepared for stretch marks and for my stomach to take some time to go down to normal. Surprisingly though, I lost all the pregnancy weight by the first week and am actually below my pre-pregnancy weight now (hooray for only gaining the "recommended" pregnancy weight and breastfeeding!) ...BUT I didn't expect how soft my stomach would be. Let's be real, I've never had a toned, hard stomach. But now I feel squishy, and my belly button feels deep, and of course the dreaded "pouch" from my C-section incision wasn't expected. So between that and the milk factory that my boobs have become, it's hard to feel at home in my body. However, my baby is completely worth all these "marks of motherhood" and I'm learning to view my body with pride. Our bodies are amazing things mommas!
You can google and read everything about anything but your mommy instincts truly are the best. As someone who feels like I need to look up and research basically everything (informed decisions people!) I have still found that God has given us this amazing instinct and as a mother we are going to know our child and what works for them best. Trust those instincts mommas! They are going to look different for everyone so don't compare yourself to anyone else.
Motherhood is the absolute best and most emotional experience of life. Nothing compares. From the overwhelming love I feel every time I look at my baby to the absurd paranoia of anything jeopardizing my baby's health and safety, I've never felt such a wide range of emotions all the time. It's an incredible thing to know that this tiny little being is completely reliant on me and that God has entrusted me to guide and direct her through life!