

So this post is actually just a copy and paste of what I have written inside my little "My Faith" tab over there on the sidebar (if you haven't checked those out...you should). ----------->
But in reading over it tonight, I felt like I should post it. I know most of you read this blog from your phone, in which case you do not get to see the side bar tabs (not to mention my cute page design) and have not had a chance to read this. As the tab says, this is just a description of my faith.


Faith is more than being spiritual. It's a personal relationship with God. It's more than believing in God. It's trusting your whole life to Him. It's more than a set of "do's" and "dont's". It's having the desire in your heart to live a life that shows Christ. It's so easy to think of God as this storybook character than a real life person that you'd have a relationship with, just as you would your spouse or friends. But that's exactly what He wants from us and what He created us for.
Being a Christian isn't about being perfect or "holy". It's not a religious act. It isn't a contract or a license to sin or to judge. All to often, people get the wrong impression of Christianity and Christians themselves because they see Christians with a "holier than thou, better than you" attitude. But being a Christian is about humbleness and love. Knowing that GOD, creator of all things, loves ME- a nobody,a no-good sinner- enough that He wants to have a relationship with me. That He sent His son to die so that He could have that relationship with me. [For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. -John 3:16] And if GOD can love me that much, who am I to not show others that same love? Who I am to judge another?

Putting all your trust and faith in God and His plan for your life, is knowing that no matter how good I am, no matter what "religious acts" I follow or don't follow, I cannot do it alone. Salvation is not something I can earn on my own. It is a free gift that He offers to those who truly accept it. [For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God -Ephesians 2:8] It doesn't mean that your life will magically be easy and without struggle or turmoil. It isn't a fix it button. But it does mean that God will always be by your side. It doesn't mean that you will never make mistakes and make bad choices. But we have a God who loves us and forgives us over and over again. Faith is accepting and trusting God with your life.

If you have any questions about any of this, please feel free to contact me [tdub8705@gmail.com]. I may not have all the answers. I am growing and learning more myself each day. But I can point you in the right direction if not.



Wow, what a month it has been. From national tragedy to class Christmas parties- it's been a busy month.

Plus I got to spend an entire week with these kiddos. My sister is keeping these two right now and my husband and I got to babysit for a week while they were away. They are such incredibly precious and happy babies. That week taught me that maybe the whole parenting thing isn't so bad after all when you have an amazing husband who is going to make such an incredible father. I have to say we made a pretty great team and I don't think I've ever been more proud to be his wife.

That same week, an unimaginable tragedy hit the nation. A gunman opened fire at an elementary school and killed several kindergarten and first graders. I cannot even begin to understand the mentality of someone who could do that to anyone, much less precious, innocent babies. My heart is so broken for these families and for this world we live in. It drives me crazy that so much of the world wants to turn this into a gun control issue. However, I am not going to speak my opinion on that matter...yet. For now, let's remember these children, their families, the teachers who died protecting their class (as a teacher of Kindergartners I cannot even imagine the horror of watching someone try to hurt my babies and know without hesitation I would do anything in my power to protect them.), and yes, even the murderer and his family (as hard as that may be) in our prayers. It serves as a reminder that we are never guaranteed another day on this earth. Make the most of every day with your loves ones and for God.

James 4:14- Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

It's crazy to think (especially in this 70+ degree weather) that tomorrow is Christmas! This year has just flown by. I have been so blessed in so many ways this year. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! Enjoy your families and hold them close.