Christmas is right around the corner again! Every year we make our "Christmas lists" filled with all the things we want. I am not saying there is anything wrong with that. It is nice to give and receive gifts during the holidays. I absolutely love Christmas and the holiday spirit. But every year it seems the world jumps straight from Halloween to Christmas. Walk into any grocery or retail store and tell me what decor and specials are prominently on display?
But we sort of hurriedly pass by a very special holiday in between. What about taking time to remember the things we already have instead. And not just tomorrow but every day. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day and I want to share with you my "Thanksgiving List".
1. First and foremost, my Savior. Even though there is nothing I have done or can ever do to deserve it, He loves me and saved me. Even better, the times I have pushed Him away and didn't want Him around, He was there anyway. Never once has he ever left my side. Who else can you say loves you like that?? I am thankful for the breath He gives me each day and the things He has blessed me with in this life. He never fails providing.
2. My husband, Chris. He is my best friend and love. He is my anchor. There isn't anything I want to do without him. So amazing to know that God created us just for each other and I get to spend the rest of my life building an even stronger relationship with him.
3. Friendship. My best friend, Tiffany. We've been through many phases of this life together. We've faced many trials that should have torn us apart. We've seen other friendships come and go.But through everything, our friendship has only strengthened. My life definitely would not be the same without my "soul sister" and I am proud to say our friendship has been going strong since I was 15. Also my friend, Michelle. Even if I never again work in a salon doing hair, I know that there was a reason I went to cosmetology school. God led me to her. We came together at a time when both of our lives were drastically changing and were able to be that support to each other through it. 3 years later, and while our lives may be in different phases right now, she is still always there with a listening ear or with a crazy story for me. She continues to be a blessing in my life daily.
4. My family. My parents gave me a life that I wouldn't have otherwise had. They saved me. They took in a 9 year old girl and have always loved me and treated me as their own. They are the biggest blessing that God has put in my life. Our relationships have had their ups and downs (like most parents and children do) but my parents never stop praying for me and I am thankful that they instilled God into my life. They are my heroes. And my siblings for always being there. When I was younger and even now as an adult, they have been a great example and role model. It's hard to think of how different my life could have turned out or where I would be now if not for my family. I am so thankful for being adopted. I will never be able to adequately thank them and can only hope to be a daughter and sister they can always be proud of.
5. My church. I posted more about that here.
6. My biological mother, Tina and my sisters. Although it took me until my adult life to truly forgive her (not for giving me up-I asked for that, but for making the choices that she did that led to that) but I know that the life I was given would not have been if she had not given me up as I asked. Whether selfishly made or not, that decision changed my life for the better. Although she is not and will not ever be my mother, she is someone I can call a friend. I respect the life she has made for herself and the things she overcame to get there. My sisters deserved it. My sisters have both had to overcome a lot of medical issues in their lives and both live with a daily struggle. I would do anything to be able to take it away from them but am proud of them and the things they accomplish in their lives.
7. My furbaby, Oliver. Ollie is the cutest, sweetest, best dog in the world. and I absolutely fell in love with him the moment I saw him. He has been stealing all his daddy's love from me ever since. =P
Of course, this is only a fraction of everything I have to be thankful for but the things I am most blessed by.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow and spends lots of quality time with their families. Let's all take the time to be truly thankful for the country we live in (regardless of whether you like or dislike the political leaders, this is still the country God has blessed us with and wants us to pray for) and all the blessings God has provided.
What's on your Thanksgiving List?
Today I just don't feel like doing a Fun Fact Friday post. and since this is my blog...I don't have too. Again, I've let it be too long since my last post, but it seems like the only thing I really have to talk about lately is my kiddos at work.
Speaking of which...School was dismissed at noon today and I am off for all of next week! I just don't know what to do with myself! With the exception of our honeymoon this past July, I have not had a vacation (or even a stay-cation) in 5 years. I have always worked jobs that did not provide paid vacations. To be in a place now where I get several week long, paid breaks (not to mention a 3 MONTH summer break!) through out the year just blows my mind. I am not quite sure what to do with myself. I actually plan on getting quite a bit of work done- pulling curriculum, pre- writing as many lesson plans as I can, etc- and probably a whole lot of relaxing with Netflix. And of course there is Thanksgiving and lots of family and friend time. I think I may even participate in Black Friday this year (dundundun) if I can find anything to buy.
What do y'all like to do when you get a break??
Speaking of which...School was dismissed at noon today and I am off for all of next week! I just don't know what to do with myself! With the exception of our honeymoon this past July, I have not had a vacation (or even a stay-cation) in 5 years. I have always worked jobs that did not provide paid vacations. To be in a place now where I get several week long, paid breaks (not to mention a 3 MONTH summer break!) through out the year just blows my mind. I am not quite sure what to do with myself. I actually plan on getting quite a bit of work done- pulling curriculum, pre- writing as many lesson plans as I can, etc- and probably a whole lot of relaxing with Netflix. And of course there is Thanksgiving and lots of family and friend time. I think I may even participate in Black Friday this year (dundundun) if I can find anything to buy.
What do y'all like to do when you get a break??
Today is my husband's birthday. We went to church this morning, then to visit his grandparents, and now we are sitting at home watching the Cowboys game. Later tonight, we will celebrate by going to dinner and to see "Wreck-it Ralph" (his pick for his birthday date. who says you need kids to enjoy children's movies?!)
{{ Bunny Trail: Funny how the older you get the more birthdays and holidays lose some of that child-like excitement and pass as any other day. Don't get me wrong...I still LOVE Christmas and the whole season. Spending time with the whole family is still an exciting thing for me over the holidays. But it's not the same thing you feel when you are a child. In fact, much of the adult life is not. It seems like we spend much of our childhood just waiting to grow up. To be the boss, to make our own rules, etc. And then, once we do "grow up", we think back to the freedom of being a kid and wishing to turn back time to enjoy it over again. }}
Most of the time, I don't feel very grown up. I feel like I'm still that 18 year old girl and that life just keeps going on. There are many responsibilities that come with being an adult (paying bills, working a job, etc), but also some pretty cool benefits.The best part of being an adult? Marriage.
It may seem like a weird thing to say. But I love being married. I love that I get to spend every day of the rest of my life with someone who is truly my best friend. We have fun together, we do nothing together. We laugh, cry, fight. He annoys me and makes me want to punch him in the face (just an expression...I am not abusive), but at the end of the day I don't want to be anywhere else but wherever he is. Our relationship has been up and down and every other direction, but in the end we always found our way back together. He's the first person I turn to in any situation, the person I want to hang out with, and yes, even the person I'd pick to be stranded on a desert island with.
I pray for my husband every day and am so proud of the man that he has grown to be and is still becoming. [[ *Prayers for my husband: That he will continue to grow as the leader of our family, and that God would be glorified in our marriage. (Ephesians 5:25-29) That he would be a Godly example and witness to his friends and coworkers, and surround himself with friends that encourage his accountability to God. (Proverbs 13:20 ,27:17) That he always avoid temptation and the situations that lead to it, and that he safeguard his heart against the attacks of Satan and rely on God to keep his heart pure and committed to our marriage. (1 Corinthians 10:13 ,Ephesians 6:10-13) ]] I also pray that God shape me into the wife that I am supposed to be to my husband. [[ *Prayers for myself: That I submit to the direction and guidance of my husband, as an example of the Lord and my husband. (Ephesians 5:21-24 ,1 Peter 3:1) and that I always be a woman of Godly character, putting Christ first, to be the best help and support to my husband that I can. (Proverbs 31:10-30 ,12:4 ,1 Timothy 2:9-11) ]]
So, today as I celebrate another year of my husbands life with him, I remember the responsibility God has given to us for each other. And know that one the most important things I can do for him is pray. Pray for him, for me, and that God willing we get a lifetime of making memories together. I love you Chris!
{{ Bunny Trail: Funny how the older you get the more birthdays and holidays lose some of that child-like excitement and pass as any other day. Don't get me wrong...I still LOVE Christmas and the whole season. Spending time with the whole family is still an exciting thing for me over the holidays. But it's not the same thing you feel when you are a child. In fact, much of the adult life is not. It seems like we spend much of our childhood just waiting to grow up. To be the boss, to make our own rules, etc. And then, once we do "grow up", we think back to the freedom of being a kid and wishing to turn back time to enjoy it over again. }}
Most of the time, I don't feel very grown up. I feel like I'm still that 18 year old girl and that life just keeps going on. There are many responsibilities that come with being an adult (paying bills, working a job, etc), but also some pretty cool benefits.The best part of being an adult? Marriage.
It may seem like a weird thing to say. But I love being married. I love that I get to spend every day of the rest of my life with someone who is truly my best friend. We have fun together, we do nothing together. We laugh, cry, fight. He annoys me and makes me want to punch him in the face (just an expression...I am not abusive), but at the end of the day I don't want to be anywhere else but wherever he is. Our relationship has been up and down and every other direction, but in the end we always found our way back together. He's the first person I turn to in any situation, the person I want to hang out with, and yes, even the person I'd pick to be stranded on a desert island with.
I pray for my husband every day and am so proud of the man that he has grown to be and is still becoming. [[ *Prayers for my husband: That he will continue to grow as the leader of our family, and that God would be glorified in our marriage. (Ephesians 5:25-29) That he would be a Godly example and witness to his friends and coworkers, and surround himself with friends that encourage his accountability to God. (Proverbs 13:20 ,27:17) That he always avoid temptation and the situations that lead to it, and that he safeguard his heart against the attacks of Satan and rely on God to keep his heart pure and committed to our marriage. (1 Corinthians 10:13 ,Ephesians 6:10-13) ]] I also pray that God shape me into the wife that I am supposed to be to my husband. [[ *Prayers for myself: That I submit to the direction and guidance of my husband, as an example of the Lord and my husband. (Ephesians 5:21-24 ,1 Peter 3:1) and that I always be a woman of Godly character, putting Christ first, to be the best help and support to my husband that I can. (Proverbs 31:10-30 ,12:4 ,1 Timothy 2:9-11) ]]
So, today as I celebrate another year of my husbands life with him, I remember the responsibility God has given to us for each other. And know that one the most important things I can do for him is pray. Pray for him, for me, and that God willing we get a lifetime of making memories together. I love you Chris!
QuickTrip gas stations are Safe Places for homeless youth!
I thought this was very cool. SafePlace is a national non-profit organization that helps troubled youth (among other people) by providing a place to go when they need help. There are several locations that have volunteered to be a "safe place", including QuickTrip.When someone finds themself on the street, these safe places offer a place to go receive food and drink. They are able to wait there until professional help or a solution to their problem has been resolved.
I love this! Just wanted to get the word out.
I figured I should write a little something just to let you know I hadn't disappeared. Sorry it's been awhile since the last post. Every time I picked up the computer, I couldn't manage the motivation to write. But here goes some random tidbits.
The beginning of last week was spent preparing for and having Open House at the school. My kiddos did so great performing their song in front of everyone. To be honest I was a little nervous they would all go shy or they would all be singing different parts at different times. But they totally rocked my socks off. So proud and just love them all so much!
The rest of the week went by uneventfully.
The weekend started off fantastic with a dinner-and-movie double date with the bestie. We saw the movie Cloud Atlas. Very interesting. One of those movies you spend the whole time thinking "what in the world is going on???" and in the last 10 minutes you semi get it. I love those kinds of movies though. =) It was very cool to see different actors and actresses play multiple characters throughout the movie-of different gender, age, and even race. No spoilers- but the movie is basically about how decisions we make affect people and lives around us throughout time. And fate brought the same people together again and again through hundreds of years. Anyways- I wanna watch it again. Seems like the kind of movie that you would get more out of every time you watch.
Saturday was spent doing all those pesky errands you have to get done at some point. And Sunday was church and then LifeGroup. ( *Side note:I am so thankful for my "home" church TBT for allowing me to grow up with such a wonderful church family and teaching me strong fundamentals for a Christian life and relationship with God. It will always be my home. But I am also so thankful to God for leading me exactly where I needed to be for now at FOTP. I have grown and learned so much about what it truly means to be CHANGED for God in the time that I have been there. I always leave so challenged and with a new goal for myself. I am always so eager to go and see what God has for me.)
And today I was rear-ended. My car- which I've had for only a year last month now- got it's first scratch. =( But thank God it was only that! I wasn't hurt and neither was the man who hit me.
And there ya go. A post =)
The beginning of last week was spent preparing for and having Open House at the school. My kiddos did so great performing their song in front of everyone. To be honest I was a little nervous they would all go shy or they would all be singing different parts at different times. But they totally rocked my socks off. So proud and just love them all so much!
The rest of the week went by uneventfully.

And today I was rear-ended. My car- which I've had for only a year last month now- got it's first scratch. =( But thank God it was only that! I wasn't hurt and neither was the man who hit me.
And there ya go. A post =)
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